Saturday, 1 January 2011

What type of editing did we use?

We used non-linear editing (i.e. using digital/computer).

So what we had to do at first was to hire 2 mini HD camcorders from the media department,
making sure we did this in time for the location we had reserved for a day to film.
During the process of editing, we used the 'imovie 09' instead of the typical 'imovie' and we did consider using the 'finalcut pro' programme, however we thought that the 'imovie 09' was more convenient to use considering that me and mariam had also used it in the previous AS level foundation portfolio. There are better effects and methods using this programme than the older 'imovie'.

After the process of editing, i converted (using export in imovie 09 programme) the whole video using quicktime to a HD file so that it could be saved onto the hard drive 'Coombe Media Archive'. A few minutes later or so, it popped up on the desktop so that Sir could find it easily and save it for us.

I think it is quite fortunate for us to have 'Mac' computers available for us at school, otherwise it would take so much more time and effort to get the project done. Macs have the advantages of having a faster hard drive, large amount of storage space and certain programmes which cannot be available on a PC. One problem whilst using the Mac was that the programme size was fairly large causing the computer to crash now and then, or lag.

Also because the programme 'Imovie 09' autosaves the project, when an error occurred we lost our work and it was not possible to retrieve the same work again. Therefore having to start all over again, which is of course time consuming and inconvenient. On the bright side, it mean't that we could learn from our mistakes and also remember the sequence of editing better for the A2 written exam, where we will have to write about the entire process.

As a conclusion i think the effort of non-linear editing was well worth it because although it can be difficult to learn to use than the linear method, once you master the basics you can do much more work and it is much faster.

-Myung Kwon-

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